Sunday, May 15, 2005

PlanetOut Short Movie Award WINNER Best Documentary

Yesterday afternoon Jack and I attended the New York premiere of our friend Eric Smith’s short documentary

Irene Williams ... Queen of Lincoln Road , Dir. By Eric Smith, US, 2005, video, 23 min


Over nine years, self-defined hag fag Eric Smith documented his friendship with an extraordinary elderly lady, Irene Williams, a public stenographer, and eccentric fashion fixture on South Beach.


Go to the website to order a copy of the DVD.  The film won this year’s PlanetOut Short Movie Award for Best Documentary.


Some of those in attendance were artists John Pirman (love those great graphics!) and Jonathan Bressler.  Bressler will have an independent show on June 3rd.  More information soon.  And the ever-present Sylvia Miles was there of course.




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