We had a great Bastille Day party this past Saturday (7/15/06).
The whole idea came about by me wanting to see some old Boston Conservatory friends.
Unfortunately, only 2 came on the actual day, Lynn and Neil. Our friend Carolyn had messed up the date and came a week early so we should count her as well. Lynn is the producer of the highly successful “Carols for a Cure” holiday CD’s. Her label is Rockit Science. It was so great to see her and her family. Neil is the Head of the Theater Department at Boston Conservatory. I felt awful that I couldn’t produce more alums for his long trip. But, it was great visiting with him again.
All in all about 50 or so people came, neighbors, previous work associates, present work associates, and other great friends. Even a new friend of mine from my men’s knitting group came with his partner. I was so thrilled they showed!
The real star of the party (besides Hazel who made a brief appearance in her can-can outfit) was Allyn’s food. No matter what the occasion, Allyn always blows guests away with her creations. We had decided on a sort of tasting menu of 7 courses, aperitif through dessert, all presented in 1 or 2 bite servings, passed by a couple servers. When I was overheard telling Allyn to go ahead and send the soup out, one guest wondered how we were going to do that. Allyn came up with a vichyssoise “shot” in an edible cup sprinkled with chives. Brilliant! It was one of the best ideas. I’m hoping that Ambianti Catering gets lots of gigs out of it. On a side note, Allyn hired a new server who as it turned out was quite a successful working actress. She has about 30 movies under her belt including “The Crush” where she appeared as Cary Elwes’ wife who meets her demise in a greenhouse filled with stinging bees. How could you not love that?!
I missed my brother but as a film producer he often has to run out of town for work. His bride to be Nina did come though looking as gorgeous as ever.
Oh, yeah, our friends Frank and James brought the most brilliant centerpiece. James made a guillotine with sunflowers in it. One of the flowers was on the block ready to be beheaded.
Nada mas…ou ce n'est pas plus que rien.